Friday, March 14, 2008

Does cooking a better hamburger helps?

It's a recent read up that I realise alot people are too focused on developing speciality. I believe more 7 out of 10 people out there can cook a better hamburger than Mcdonald. However, have any one of you wondered why Mcdonald corp can be so successful, generating millions and millions of profits each year as compared to you. Mcdonald definately has a very powerful selling system that enable such a basic average burger to be selling hot worldwide.

What im trying to bring across is people nowadays are too focus on developing work/study skills and neglecting their fundamental skills of survival. These include the skill of selling,to communicate and to be systematic. People nowadays are saying that I want to specialize in law, medicine, specialize in this and that to earn a higher income. It's just like learning to cook a even better burger, and expecting your profits to boom catching right after Mcdonald after you sell a better cooked burger. If you desire to be as successful as Mcdonald I suggest that you look into how Mcdonald work. Look into the difference between a successful person and average person.

Being a student I would say that adcadmic performance is important but what is more important to me is the experience in a border aspect. In school they emphasize in knowing alot of little but what the world demand is a little from everywhere so as to become successful. It's these pieces of knowledge and experience that put up the great picture of success. What the school teach is certainly not enough. It is up to each of the indiviual to seek the way to learn up these pieces if knowledge and experience.

From REC to PVT...

Has been some time since I update my blog...the following post will mainly be about my life as the lowest lifeform around at Pulau Tekong for the past 9 weeks, as a CHOU RECRUIT. After 9 weeks now im a private loh!

Any way I start talking about the first to weeks there, which is the so call adjustment period. The first week the commanders really CARE FOR SOILDERS.As if like some angel like that. It's only about coming to the end of the second week, the devil start invading each and every of the commanders soul. All the TEGAN start to come. I hardly get use to the stupid timing they give. Rush you up, right, left, front, back, down like nobody's business. After all the wait. Meaning to say you rush to wait. But afterall these are training...

Standard timing in Tekong,0530 revellie(wake up), 0545 fall in for 5BX(some stupid excercise), 0600 breakfast, 0630 area cleaning, 0730 first parade....blah blah blah! First few weeks they are preparing us for IPPT and starting of SOC( Standard Obstacle Course ). So the training is consider quite packed. At the end of the day everyone give a very shag face in bunk. Then of course got some SIAO-ON will go OTOT chin-up, go run at track. As for me I only SIAO-ON during sleeping..hahaha Also, I got to mention about the curse of TEKONG almost 80% will start coughing after staying at TEKONG for few days. I still remember that time the whole lecture hall of recruit were coughing, till the extend that the speaker request the recruits to control the coughing as the noise is overly disturbing.

Training are quite tough at first, because afterall its post exam period,people want to enjoy slacking at home,go pubbing..who will go to the gym? When SOC training started im actually quite surprise to see the number of people who can't get pass the high wall at the SOC ground. SOC is one of the training that I think is fun, my performance varies in SOC. Once i did the full SOC rundown in 6 min plus timing in SBO attire and rifle and the next time i actually failed at the vertical rope. After all the physical training, its the start of the range. We started learning those I.A( Immediate.Action) drills which are meant to be carry out when your rifle is in some problem. Then we proceed on training at the IMT all the way till our live-fire day. During the live-fire day we actually have to wait the whole day for different detail to proceed just for our few shots.

After the live-fire, we got a short break for chinese new year. Right after we came back its our field camp. It's the most F*** ed up part in BMT. The main purpose of the field camp is actually to level up the recruit discipline. So obviosly, pairs and pairs of horns start to grow on the commander's head. What really made field camp so F***ed up is the sleep and the use of lighting. They expect the recruits to use torchlight without being spotted(so-called light discipline). We slept on our fieldpack and the hard ground and it's freezing cold at night. At the field camp we ate those biscuits and combat ration. Some combat ration are consider edible to me, some are totally bullshit.It's like u mash a pack of mixed food and you eat it. Taste crapy. The worst part of the field camp is the digging of shell scrap. The standard of a shell scrap is to rifle length long and two bayonet deep down. That hole will keep u shag for the rest of the day. We are only equiped with a ET blade and stick to get the job done. Even a professional Bangala is better equiped then us when digging a hole. The fun part of the field camp is the urban ops part. We learn hw to clear a room solo as well as a team. Kinda like playing real life CS...just that we are shooting blanks. After the 6 days field will start to apperciate the cookhouse food and your bunk....hahahaha

So the following week right after fieldcamp is the 12 KM route march and sit-test. The route march ended me with a feet full of blister and knee strain. It rained during the march, my socks and boots were totally wet inside out, needless to mention my clothes.But the worst has yet to come. That night after we built our basha-tent a storm came and my tent was actually leaking wate, the whole tent collapse. When my tent-mate and i crawled out, we realise everything are in a pool of mud.

I was excused for grenade throw so not much to right after the sit-test my next major event was the POP parade. Days before POP i got attend C so I went back home. Nothing much I can talk about POPing.What I know was raining during the POP day.

Haix...for those who have served I believe you also think that being a recruit sux. For those have yet to be enlisted..I would say have fun in there.LOL