Monday, May 26, 2008

Network a school,as a business.

When I first heard of network marketing,I was pretty much against it.I looked at the compensation model and I think it was a pretty much of a scam.After I seriously look into it, I began to see some advantages that few other business have.

Success in life is a mirror effect on a person's education,experience and character.Many network marketing company provide personal training in these areas.Formal school train people to work for somebody else or at most to be self-employed.Even a MBA,PH.D simply just train a person to get a higher paying job as an employee.

How do a person change into a business owner?Where do you get the education from.Well, I think network marketing can be a pretty good stepping stone.To get successful as a business owner a change in attitude and acquire of neccessary is needed.

Building a business is a tough challenge.Most people are not business owners simply because because doing a business is too demanding.Many love to say, "If it is that easy,everyone will be in it".These are syndrome of self-doubt,shyness and fear of rejection.These are the critical things that a person have to overcome before getting on into business.

A vital skill involve is leadership.Leadership simply means the ability to overcome your own fear and the fear of others to get the job done.Many people failed to expand their business due to the lack of leadership.

Network marketing is a business that invest mostly on education,skills development and individual business building.

Many people talked about the pryramid scheme involve in network marketing.In fact all coporation are pryramid scheme even in goverment sector.Take the military scheme as an example.At the top of the pryramid it is always the minster of defence then it branches down to generals to colonel and so on...just like private sector the top is usually the CEO and the rest represented below.In fact a network marketing business is designed to get people up to the top not to let people remain at the bottom or forcing people down.A network marketing business will not succeed unless people are push to the top.

Many people failed in network maketing simply because they fail to give themselves time.Just like taking up a job,it require time to climb the coporate ladder.Network marketing needs time and effort to succeed.One of the advantage in Network marketing is they will invest in you even though you are not successful.Giving you more time to learn.In the coporate world if you are a constant failure.Most probaly you will be out of the company after sometime,regardless of your effort.However,in network marketing most companies are willing to contiune to guide you through the route and developmetn.Afterall want you to be on the top of the pryramid.

To success in network marketing is not an easy task.In fact it is harder then being successful in any other business and jobs.One have to ask yourself,"Am I willing to go beyond myself?","Going to be learning to lead by being led?","Is there really the citeria in me that will differentiate me from the poor and middle class?","Am I going to be humble?".If yes,starting to look for a network marketing opportunity that focus mainly in education and personal development.Use the compensation model and product as a test for yourself on far can you reach.If one is held up by a regualar job,try to get a network marketing business as part-time.Afterall one of the advantage in network marketing is the flexible time.Soon one will learn about the way towards gaining financail freedom.

The physics behind the "M" society.

A Japanese economist describle the society today we are in as the"M" shaped society. Basically the poor and rich are represented at the edge of the letter "M".The richer or poorer you are, the more you are represented towards the edge.From the letter we see that the middle are shrinking.Today it may be the case of 10% of the world population holding on to 90% of the world's property and 90% of the population are getting only the left over 10% of these properties.The middle class is diminishing.

In U.S 10 trillion US dollars are needed to maintain social sercurity and 62 trillion for medicare.That is about twice the amount of the value in global stock market,which have a approximate value of 36 trillion US dollars.Togerther with trade deflict, it is most likely the reasons involve behind US falling dollars.Well many people still believe in working hard and saving hard and live below their means.However many fail to realise that they are losing their money gradually,becoming poorer and poorer each day.Value of different national currency is falling along with the global reserve dollar.People's value in their bank account is directly proportional to the rate of currency drop.So it's not a very good idea to save under deposit scheme.Due to the rising oil price and global chained inflation,I believe it is now the best time to invest,espcially in stock market.The rich gain rich by exploiting crisis but the poor simply gets poor by being exploited by crsis.Simply think of Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway,his insurance business topped as the hottest stock since US recession.Why?Because people tend to see him as a person who can gain something through crisis. Not lose something due to crisis.The fear hidden within us cause us to be exploited.People need to "wake up from the industrial age idea" so as not to get into the middle class slope.

If one is to continue in the industrial age idea,it predictable that one is going poor,regardless of qualification.Even the income is not going to decrease,the price of living is definetly going up.The resultant effect will simply be people becoming poorer and poorer.What I read up just now really gave me a shocked.In zimbawe,the goverment just printed new note of half billion.The value is just equal to $2.65 SG dollars.Enough just for two loaf of bread.Indeed it makes some one feel rich...