Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hari raya duty....argh

The start of 19th sept is a great night.Went Zirca to club...lots of happenings there.Met my sec school friend Rebel's dance floor.A Drunk lady from the table beside us got so wasted level of conscious drop so badly till cant response to anything other then pain,few of them got wasted and talk so much bullshit.Hahaha...I shall not mention who.Pretty fun night~

Reached home around 7am,planning to sleep through the day but only manage to sleep 4hr.After awhile went for lunch with my uncle..and he manage to fix my com's speaker. So after lunch blasted my speaker with those annoying gun fire sound from game.Seriously I'd enough of ear piece to my com.

This year b'dae cake's cheesy cheese cake. Hahahax...what the hell Im talking about cheesy cheese.Was pre-ordered by my mum.

By around 8 plus going to leave to camp...sux right birthday go camp.Because this 2 coming hari raya duty I've to TA.But got i've got no choice, it happens that Im the only selected holy sacred chinese army medic here. Thanks to Tiger Lim so clever he rox!

Its 0211 now...and the Z-monster haven't come looking for me.Argh...I wanna sleep!I bet im going to sleep till really late tomorrow.Anybody coming down to keng early in the morning tomorrow, Im going to Fk them up big big time!A sleepy man is a angry man! Especially if "Praveen's coming for the MC Whoa~" hahahax I bet SBMC guys gets how the tune goes.Hahahax