Friday, August 28, 2009

The Bug of terror...

It's another duty day medical center,woke up around 7 and had my breakfast. I overheard my peers asking what happened to the patient outside but didn't pay much attention to it as they are asking really calmly.So I thought its another regular patient admitted to the treatment room. Holding on my mug of morning tea I approach the treatment room trying wanting to get my duty checklist done, then I saw till 2sgt on a wheelchair taken care by 2 of my colleague. They are actually administering oxygen to him at the same time trying pretty hard to lift that guy to sit up for better ventilation.So went over to help them out,that was when I realised that he's gasping for air...breathing in an abnormally fast rate. I don't know why he's given oxygen on a non-rebreather mask for,instead of being bagged.So we decided to lay him down on a stretcher up to the resus table.So we called in a few more of my colleague to handle the patient.

So the standard resus procedures went on,took his vital signs,put him on IV. I tried to control his breathing using the o2 tank,giving interval flush of the oxygen,kept telling the patient to control his breathing and not be so panic.But didn't seems much help.He himself keep gasping for air instead of controlling his breathing.Waited for a pretty long time before doctor came.If anything happen to that guy I think the doc himself will "Ta". We did the best we can.

After exposing the patient to do a ECG then my colleague spotted there are red patches on his abdomen and chest area,just like those bitten by some bitting flies .At first we neglected it as we more focused in dealing with the patient hyperventilation.I thought maybe his condition is due to some allergic reaction due to the insect bite.The patient started to gain better oxygen concentration in blood after some controlled oxygen flush.But then his airway started to get choked by his own secretion and have to be cleared with a suction unit and regular coughing.

It's around 8 plus by then, trainees form the medical course came for their lesson. So these group of trainees watched live "ER" show. I was pretty worried at first that they gather back there may cause the patient to get more nervous thereby worsen his hyperventilating condition.After much effort,he finally regain better oxygen concentration. So went on with a chest x-ray and he was sent to hospital. Out of my surprise the patient was discharged later in the afternoon. What surprised me even further is when my colleague told me that the doctor in hospital says that his condition maybe due to the allergic reaction cause by the insect bite!!! Wth I cant believe it too...But anyway what a great morning work out!

1 comment:

StarYanmei said...

haha interesting way to start your day. So surprise that you are actually doing your job so well!