Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hari raya duty....argh

The start of 19th sept is a great night.Went Zirca to club...lots of happenings there.Met my sec school friend Rebel's dance floor.A Drunk lady from the table beside us got so wasted level of conscious drop so badly till cant response to anything other then pain,few of them got wasted and talk so much bullshit.Hahaha...I shall not mention who.Pretty fun night~

Reached home around 7am,planning to sleep through the day but only manage to sleep 4hr.After awhile went for lunch with my uncle..and he manage to fix my com's speaker. So after lunch blasted my speaker with those annoying gun fire sound from game.Seriously I'd enough of ear piece to my com.

This year b'dae cake's cheesy cheese cake. Hahahax...what the hell Im talking about cheesy cheese.Was pre-ordered by my mum.

By around 8 plus going to leave to camp...sux right birthday go camp.Because this 2 coming hari raya duty I've to TA.But got i've got no choice, it happens that Im the only selected holy sacred chinese army medic here. Thanks to Tiger Lim so clever he rox!

Its 0211 now...and the Z-monster haven't come looking for me.Argh...I wanna sleep!I bet im going to sleep till really late tomorrow.Anybody coming down to keng early in the morning tomorrow, Im going to Fk them up big big time!A sleepy man is a angry man! Especially if "Praveen's coming for the MC Whoa~" hahahax I bet SBMC guys gets how the tune goes.Hahahax

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Bug of terror...

It's another duty day medical center,woke up around 7 and had my breakfast. I overheard my peers asking what happened to the patient outside but didn't pay much attention to it as they are asking really calmly.So I thought its another regular patient admitted to the treatment room. Holding on my mug of morning tea I approach the treatment room trying wanting to get my duty checklist done, then I saw till 2sgt on a wheelchair taken care by 2 of my colleague. They are actually administering oxygen to him at the same time trying pretty hard to lift that guy to sit up for better ventilation.So went over to help them out,that was when I realised that he's gasping for air...breathing in an abnormally fast rate. I don't know why he's given oxygen on a non-rebreather mask for,instead of being bagged.So we decided to lay him down on a stretcher up to the resus table.So we called in a few more of my colleague to handle the patient.

So the standard resus procedures went on,took his vital signs,put him on IV. I tried to control his breathing using the o2 tank,giving interval flush of the oxygen,kept telling the patient to control his breathing and not be so panic.But didn't seems much help.He himself keep gasping for air instead of controlling his breathing.Waited for a pretty long time before doctor came.If anything happen to that guy I think the doc himself will "Ta". We did the best we can.

After exposing the patient to do a ECG then my colleague spotted there are red patches on his abdomen and chest area,just like those bitten by some bitting flies .At first we neglected it as we more focused in dealing with the patient hyperventilation.I thought maybe his condition is due to some allergic reaction due to the insect bite.The patient started to gain better oxygen concentration in blood after some controlled oxygen flush.But then his airway started to get choked by his own secretion and have to be cleared with a suction unit and regular coughing.

It's around 8 plus by then, trainees form the medical course came for their lesson. So these group of trainees watched live "ER" show. I was pretty worried at first that they gather back there may cause the patient to get more nervous thereby worsen his hyperventilating condition.After much effort,he finally regain better oxygen concentration. So went on with a chest x-ray and he was sent to hospital. Out of my surprise the patient was discharged later in the afternoon. What surprised me even further is when my colleague told me that the doctor in hospital says that his condition maybe due to the allergic reaction cause by the insect bite!!! Wth I cant believe it too...But anyway what a great morning work out!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The taking of pelham 123....staringJohn Travolta

Just saw "The taking of pelham 123" with my bro. Really great film, its about a wall street guy coming up with a plot hijacking a subway and demanded a sum high enough to cause a drop in US dollars. While the final profit he's getting is not only the money he get from the mayor.But more on the gold he invested on which has value inversely proportional to the US dollars. Not alot of ass kicking action but a really brilliant storyline since "Ocean 11" series. Worth watching!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Really awesome MJ classic performance !

Though saw this video a few times but still find it entertaining. Really awesome! It's one of the best performance I see.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The swine flu wash ur hands too song~

It's a period when all the face mask are grabbed of the shelves along with antiseptics handwash and thermometer. Although swine flu hits mainlyin US and Mexico. But someone just made up this song to remind people about hygiene. Pretty cute song~

Monday, May 18, 2009


一名年輕人在巴士上,用手提袋霸占座位,老伯無座位,要求讓開, 青年人拒絕,阿伯堅持;青年人報警求助!!Power~

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The mosqitoe song...from Mr.brown

Recently just case back from an outfield cover.After haunted by those commando mosqitoes for 3 days, I felt an urge to sing this song.~~

the mrbrown show: The Mosquito Song - mrbrown

The official army lanauage...

Recently the MM Lee just state his stand that we should speak mandarin and keep out of dialects. Making our country a purely mandarin and english speaking society. But what if the policy is over effective....

the mrbrown show: army fighting language - mrbrown

Funny! Zombie VS Japanese Kids

SAF eyepower divison "we live to see"

Saw this funny article in one of the facebook group. Funny but pretty it goes...

Chao geng. Eye power. No action; talk only.
Minimum efforts, maximum results.
"We live to see."

Why waste 2 freaking years of your life to chiong sua when you can slack it off?
Tired of the bureauracy that surrounds every damn unit?
Super sian of the weird and senseless rules?
Sick of the "simi lan jiao?" moments?


Do you remember your days of eye powering while the rest of your platoon mates were at work?

Standing around and pretending to give instructions while the rest of your section mates were erecting the tentage?

Were most of your NS days spent queueing up to see the medical officer?

Did you spend most of the training curriculum inside the training shed sitting in your PT kit?

Only singing or pretending to sing only when your sargeant is around?

Suddenly develop a case of Hoplophobia - "morbid fear of guns" when range training is here?

Pretending to let your platoon mates go first during meals, so you can have a larger portion of the leftovers? Cookhouse aunties're usually more generous with helpings at the end.

Paying a blanga to dig your firetrench/self-scrape during reservist ICT training?

Ever made up any kind of irrational phobias to smoke your sargeants?

The only exercise you did was walking the distance to the cookhouse or medical centre from your bunk.

You can shrug off cries of "chao keng" from your platoon mates without any tinge of guilt or remorse.

You enjoy discussing new ways to malinger with your fellow kengsters.

You feign a leg sprain/muscle tear/hamstring strain but amazingly you still manage to finish a 90mins game for your team's Sunday Soccer League.

You suddenly develop an irrational fear to suit whatever circumstances.

Amathophobia - Fear of dust.
Phallophobia - Fear of a penis, esp during erection.
Ancraophobia - Fear of wind. (Anemophobia)
Allodoxaphobia - Fear of opinions.
Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Botanophobia - Fear of plants.
Phronemophobia - Fear of thinking.

Have you ever been...
1) Excused from running, marching and jumping for a period of more than 10 days?
2) Excused from uniform for "extended periods of time"?
3) Excused from the environment - sunlight, moonlight ?
4) Excused from the elements of - earth, wind and water?
5) All of the above.
6) All of the above + (insert more)

SAF Eyepower Division 7 Cock Values
1) Keng as much as i can.
2) Practice "Tai Chi" whenever i can.
3) Wayang as much as possible.
4) Act blur until that's worthy of an Oscar.
5) Everything also must take the short cut.
6) Keep my smoke grenades close.
7) Employ evasive tactics after testing the system.

Are you able to detect sai kang within 100 yards?
Do you recall yourself smoking out at every opportunity?
If yes, this is the place for all fellow smokers

Saturday, May 2, 2009

For those interested in singing...(vibrato)

Basically vibrato helps alot to bring out the feeling of a song.But not easy to master's an eg of how it goes~

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The S-factor Singapore (OMG)

Realised I have been bloging about NS for the past few post.Now kinda getting sick of my lifeless NS.So today lets change the topic a little.Lets talk about girls.I've watched a few episodes of S-factor in camp during weekend duty and it actually struck some thinking in me about girls and our sunny island.

I just kinda don't understand what some girls are thinking. Like one of the contestant claims that she can give "very seductive eye contact",asked by the judge how do you play naughty? A funny answer came out saying "I can use my eyes to give electricity" and stare at the camera like she's daydreaming.Ya, that really eletrifying,so eletriflying till my cheeks hurt.Thinking in her shoe.So what's is she trying to show,that she can surpass the others? "woo I got a pair of seductive eyes the rest gona lose..muhahahaha!"is that what's in her mind?

And the girl who went ZOUK OUT,citicize people making it her presentation.What is she trying to show, showing that she have quality standard? Think she really look upon herself way too high.And the girl that claim that her best physical asset is the boobs that she spend alot money on.Announcing it isn't a demerit to her chance to enter the competition? Really don't understand what they are thinking.

And here we got auntie who is very confident to be the winner of FHM cover.OMG!! she freaking in bikini! Great confidence is good.It helps in different aspect.But one is to be sure that he/she is really good in it before being confident about.Sometimes what a person feel about him or herself isn't true.One is biased towards ownself rather then the fact.So it's best that one stay logical.

Friday, April 17, 2009 medical centre

Long time since my last update,has been pretty busy lately.Its another burned weekend, doing duty in medical centre for the entire weekend and following monday. Brought tons some junk food here to munch on while watching drama. Here I've 3 confined patient..seems like they're going to sleep throughout the weekend here.Not allowed to use computer,rotting here till 10pm.Sucks to be them.Hopefully by evening when their company line commanders most probably have left,I can let then leave early. LOL..darm welfare right?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Gas chamber~Making grown man cry!

It's another day in camp last tuesday.We were brought to Seletar camp for to enter the gas chamber filled with tear gas.Armed with chemical defence suit and gas mask.So before everyone went in we mopped up(suit up in full chemical defence attire).First task in the gas chamber is do 5bx(some simple excercise),then we just Q-up to say our rank,name and NRIC to the instructor there with the mask off.The main purpose is to let us smell that gas.After saying out my rank,name and NRIC the instructor realise that tear gas haven't had any effect on me.So he asked me to take a deep breath with the tear gas source just right next to me.The next moment I was like rushing to the door to get out.I felt my eyes,throat and face is burning.Outside the chamber I joined my section mates coughing all over the place and crying harx....darm fun!Those looks worth a million!HAHAHA~~

Friday, January 9, 2009

Woo..its book out day again.After 2 weeks with long week end,find this week kinda longer to pass.Harx...some psycological effects.So the first day of this week,we started the first TBW(Total body work out) plus run session.Later that day we started on doing Iv injection(those water bags people hang when hosipitalised) training.Im in platoon 3 so platton 1 and 2 went first.It took the whole day for them to complete the trial.So we and platoon 4 just waiting at the training shelter for nothing for the whole bloody day.Lying around sleeping,talk cock and that's it and we call it offf a day.Harx...darm slack.

Tuesday and Thursday was all about lecture and lecture.Lucky it wasn't the "ok next slide" instructor teaching otherwise its another zzz period.The CC(course commander) and those "INK-JEK" are the conducting people.So generally still not bad.

On wednesday,we are splited into 3 categories slow,average and fast runners for PT.I was at the fast runners category.Really "xiong" running with them.Among them were commandos,police special ops.So I challanged myself to keep up with them but conclusion is I need to train more.After so long of civillian life Harx..that police ops darm fit lah.So in the end I ended the run around with the average fast runners,that are still consider human.LOL

Today,book out day!We started the day with PT and 3KM run.Don't know why today the book out mood is overwhelming,so don't feel like stressing myslef so I went to the average runners group have a good morning jog with them and some PT.My poor buddy(I tell your why he's poor thing later)was beside me in push up position.I did my push-ups but look at my right my buddy was like in push-up position but never down.Looking to the right ,the other guy was down but never up.Both "chao kenging" LOL.Later that day I had my first Iv trial.I play the casualty first for my buddy.He did fine just abit nervous.He didn't release the tourniquet(some bands used to tied my arms to create blood pressure)so my blood gushed out,whole place is bloody.But Im fine..although lose alot blood,he suffered worse then me.Later when it was his turn to play causualty,I gave him 3 shots.Missed all 3.The needles hit the vein but went over it either too deep or beside.I feel really bad hitting 3 bo bo shots and caused him pain.DArm...until the 4th shot with the help of a sergent I managed to bearly hit successfully.My buddy got a really funny vein,some sort of running vein.The first sergent that supervise my shot keep saying go deeper and deeper because that is no blood backflow in the needle.But its already very deep,so deep that it went through the vein and rupture it.By right should actually take out the needle and relocate the vein with another needle.That will not be as pain lah.The poking in of needle isn't pain at all,its when the needle went in that hurts.Darm....After the Iv session we were issued the Chemical defence suit and gas mask.That gas mask is kinda cool.Its for next week session,we'll be entering a gas chamber filled with some tear-gas like stuff and I heared we'll be doing 5bx in there...harx