Friday, January 9, 2009

Woo..its book out day again.After 2 weeks with long week end,find this week kinda longer to pass.Harx...some psycological effects.So the first day of this week,we started the first TBW(Total body work out) plus run session.Later that day we started on doing Iv injection(those water bags people hang when hosipitalised) training.Im in platoon 3 so platton 1 and 2 went first.It took the whole day for them to complete the trial.So we and platoon 4 just waiting at the training shelter for nothing for the whole bloody day.Lying around sleeping,talk cock and that's it and we call it offf a day.Harx...darm slack.

Tuesday and Thursday was all about lecture and lecture.Lucky it wasn't the "ok next slide" instructor teaching otherwise its another zzz period.The CC(course commander) and those "INK-JEK" are the conducting people.So generally still not bad.

On wednesday,we are splited into 3 categories slow,average and fast runners for PT.I was at the fast runners category.Really "xiong" running with them.Among them were commandos,police special ops.So I challanged myself to keep up with them but conclusion is I need to train more.After so long of civillian life Harx..that police ops darm fit lah.So in the end I ended the run around with the average fast runners,that are still consider human.LOL

Today,book out day!We started the day with PT and 3KM run.Don't know why today the book out mood is overwhelming,so don't feel like stressing myslef so I went to the average runners group have a good morning jog with them and some PT.My poor buddy(I tell your why he's poor thing later)was beside me in push up position.I did my push-ups but look at my right my buddy was like in push-up position but never down.Looking to the right ,the other guy was down but never up.Both "chao kenging" LOL.Later that day I had my first Iv trial.I play the casualty first for my buddy.He did fine just abit nervous.He didn't release the tourniquet(some bands used to tied my arms to create blood pressure)so my blood gushed out,whole place is bloody.But Im fine..although lose alot blood,he suffered worse then me.Later when it was his turn to play causualty,I gave him 3 shots.Missed all 3.The needles hit the vein but went over it either too deep or beside.I feel really bad hitting 3 bo bo shots and caused him pain.DArm...until the 4th shot with the help of a sergent I managed to bearly hit successfully.My buddy got a really funny vein,some sort of running vein.The first sergent that supervise my shot keep saying go deeper and deeper because that is no blood backflow in the needle.But its already very deep,so deep that it went through the vein and rupture it.By right should actually take out the needle and relocate the vein with another needle.That will not be as pain lah.The poking in of needle isn't pain at all,its when the needle went in that hurts.Darm....After the Iv session we were issued the Chemical defence suit and gas mask.That gas mask is kinda cool.Its for next week session,we'll be entering a gas chamber filled with some tear-gas like stuff and I heared we'll be doing 5bx in there...harx

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